Tools in the Jupyter ecosystem
Tools in the Jupyter ecosystem#
This section provides an introduction to core tools in the Jupyter ecosystem with demonstrations of them in action in geoscience applications.
Ths section includes an introduction to:
JupyterLab, navigating the JupyterLab interfaces and an introduction to extensions that are useful for scientific work
The use and features that IPython adds for interactive computing
How IPython can be customized with a focus on rich displays for scientific objects
Using widgets to connect graphical controls such as slidebars and toggle buttons to your code
Managing state in your notebook and tips for communicating your work in a reproducible manner
Running JupyterLab on shared computational infrastructure (e.g. the cloud or High Performance Computing facilities)
Sharing a repository of notebooks so others can run them with Binder
Turning a collection of notebooks into a web-based book with Jupyter Book